Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Seth Godin: All marketers are liars. Especially cat food marketers.

Godin did a presentation at Google where he ran through his usual fare. To his credit, he demonstrates a decent dose of humility. Perhaps more insightful are Valleywag's summary comments.

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Monday, March 06, 2006

Business 2.0: The Next Net 25

Take a look at the 25 companies that might become the next Google or Yahoo! Yes, digg.com is one of the contenders!

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Web 2.0 uselessness checklist

Written from a bitter-cranky hope-crushing perspective, this site does link to a pretty useful and exhaustive list of sites pushing the envelope.

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Sunday, March 05, 2006

Google Interview Questions

I had a phone interview with Google today. I took notes; some of the questions they asked were interesting. We were allowed to ask questions. The interviewer didn't ask many questions in response to my answers, except to occasionally say "interesting".

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Emotional robots on their way

Human/machine interaction work has uncovered some interesting stuff in the area of emotion. Emotions we find more desirable are those that match our mood. We'd rather talk to a sad robot when we're sad too. They've also found that we'd rather have them present more like pets than mimicking humans. There's a NYT article about it today.

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Emotional robots on their way

Human/machine interaction work has uncovered some interesting stuff in the area of emotion. Emotions we find more desirable are those that match our mood. We'd rather talk to a sad robot when we're sad too. They've also found that we'd rather have them present more like pets than mimicking humans. There's a NYT article about it today.

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Saturday, March 04, 2006

Amazing Transformer Video--Can't Decide If It's Real Or Not

Pretty cool any damn way. If it does do that I want one, sweet boneless Christ!

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What if Microsoft developed the iPod?

This video shows exactly what the iPod box would have looked like if Microsoft would have designed it. The funny thing is, its so true.

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You: 1 Mouse: 0

A simple, smart and humane way to catch a mouse with simple stuff you have lying around. It sounds fun enough that it almost makes me want to have a mouse in the first place so I can try it.

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Note to self: Skip plan to test out the mace

Some genius thought he should "test" his wife's taser. At least he had the sense of humor to write about it. A cautionary tale.

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Watch as Diggnation's Alex Albrecht ditches on AOL.

The video is a funny parody of an AOL commercial. Warning video uses strong language.

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2014 looks a lot like 2007

About a year ago some guys took it upon themselves to do this future news story (that plays a bit cheezy a la Hollywood trying to portray tech in "The Net" or something). It's fun enough to watch, though significantly more fun if you take a drink every time they coin an awkward new web name. Short version: Microsoft vs. Google death-match.

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Apple conquers living room. It might be a month before someone notices.

Apple just made the first practical production living room computer that actually bridges the PC/CE divide. How long you think it will be before the industry notices that Apple's pulled another iPod?

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Why not?

I can think of several reasons:
  1. No one will notice or care what I write here.
  2. The people who do notice will be nuts.
  3. The nuts will comment.
  4. It will aggrevate me.
  5. I'll lose sleep.

So back to why... I guess its just more invigorating to participate than to simply observe. I like observing, mind you. It's just more fun to do. I'm sure there are other reasons. With any luck I'll discover them in the process of doing this. On that note I'll end this first posting and you can be the judge of what you see here.